Compounding/Dispensing medications in a clinic situation
Administering low dose intraspinal anesthetic agents for analgesia in home care patients not within realm of RN practice (may administer analgesic agents)
Delegating monitoring of IVs in intermediate care nursing homes when RN is not present
RN performing a carotid massage on a patient either in the presence or absence of the physician
RN removing a Swan Ganz catheter with pacing leads no longer being used either as a pulmonary artery pressure monitoring line or pacing catheter
RN disconnecting an auto transfusion device from a mediastinal chest tube and reconnecting the tube to a closed chest drainage system
RN administering intra-arterial medication
RN delegating monitoring of IVs without medication or additives in ICF when registered nurse is not present in the facility
Monitoring regional anesthesia
Delegating nursing functions by school nurses
RN setting up and performing timing parameters of the intra-aortic balloon pump upon initial insertion
RN setting up a cardiopulmonary support system
Reaffirmation of opinion regarding RN not compounding/dispensing medicaitons in a clinic situation
RN administering, reading and documentation of the results of intradermal injections and CMI anergy panels and application of rules on delegation
Insertion and removal of suprapubic catheters (superseded by 88.18)
RN performing carotid massage--reconsideration
RN neonatal transport nursing functions and preparation (see Declaratory Statement – Transport)
RN reinserting and removing suprapubic catheters
RN administering intraosseous IV
RN injecting phenol for a nerve block (when physician directs and holds needle in place)
Declotting a dialysis A-V shunt using a Fogarty arterial embolectomy catheter
Declaratory Statement on the Registered Nurse Transporting Critically Ill Neonates (revised)