Verbal orders vs written orders, time for signing verbal orders; DNR order negated by patient--nurse's response---not under jurisdiction of LSBN
RN functions in Breast Cancer Screening Program (proviso)
Monitoring vital signs (BP, pulse, respirations, neurologic status, etc.) on patients who have had regional anesthetic administered by anesthesiologist in PACU in preparation for surgery
Schumpert Medical Center be allowed to continue utilization and practice of those RNs currently credentialed in the removal of epidural catheters and with protocols they have in effect until the Nursing Practice Committee meets and comes up with recommendations to the Board concerning this matter
RN administering bolus of Pavulon
RN removing abdominal drains--not chest tubes (Jackson Pratt)
Guidelines Relative to LRS 37:930 and LAC 46:XLVII.3711 (includes removal of epidural catheters)
RN administering hyperbaric treatment to limbs
Delegating reinsertion of gastrostomy tube
Discontinuing CPR (resuscitation) pursuant to telephone order with no written documentation prior to event
RN delegating selected procedures to home health aides
RN aspirating/irrigating a ventricular catheter in a life-threatening situation
Declaratory Statement on Nursing Accountability and/or Responsibility for Patient Care Assignments and Nursing Care Delivery
Red Cross disaster nursing services--licensure exemption
Disaster relief in hospitals--licensure exemption
Peripheral insertion of silastic IV catheter in patient's home or physician's office